Стельвио (Passo dello Stelvio)

23032 Stelvio Pass (SO)
Phone: +39 0342 903300
Fax: +39 0342 904696
E-mail: info@passostelvio.biz

катание с Мая по Ноябрь.
высота 2760 м — 3450 м

20 km of slopes among Ortles-Cevedales and Cristallo mountains, at 3000 meters of height, on the glacier near the biggest Pass of Europe; here is where the ancient and well-tested tradition of international summer skiing was born. The Stelvio Pass, crossroads of different cultures and histories, today is a big school of summer skiing and is the favourite location of big competitive teams from all over the world.
Here, every year, thousands of colts face in a special kermesse named Ghiaccissimo…
With its plants able to carry 9000 people an hour, working from May to November, with 1400 bedspaces, the Stelvio Pass is one of the most important ski resort but it is also an important destination for summer tourists which can take part in a lot of events. There is the “Re Stelvio”, if you want to follow Fausto Coppi’s footsteps and you love climbing; there is the international motorcycle rally with more than 6000 racers coming from all around Europe; and there is the vintage car rally on the road which from 1825 is connecting Tirolo and Lombardia.
